
Showing posts from June, 2023

Jeffersonian Project: James Monroe

  Daniel Goodman M/J United States History Ms. Kooiker 6/13/23 Jeffersonian Project: James Monroe             James Monroe is one of the three Jeffersonian presidents and is the last of them to be elected (“ James Monroe - White House ”) . He was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on April 28 th , 1758 (“A Brief Biography of James Monroe”). His parents were Elizabeth and Spence Monroe, however they both passed away during Monroe’s childhood in a close time range between each other (“ James Monroe - White House ”) . After getting his education, Monroe eventually started to study law with Thomas Jefferson after serving three years in the army (“A Brief Biography of James Monroe”).               Monroe’s role in politics would begin when he was elected to be a member of the Virginia General Assembly in 1782 (“A Brief Biography of James Monroe”; “ James M...

Jeffersonian Project: James Madison

  Daniel Goodman M/J United States History Ms. Kooiker 6/13/23 Jeffersonian Project: James Madison             James Madison is one of the three Jeffersonian presidents and is additionally the second of them to be elected (“James Madison | The White House”). He was born in Port Conway, Virginia, on the day of March 16 th , 1751 (“James Madison Biography”). Madison had a rather calm childhood; he was taught by Donald Robertson from when he was eleven to sixteen, and then studied at the College of New Jersey after some further learning (“James Madison Biography”; “The Life of James Madison”). He graduated in 1771 and would go on to study political philosophy and the language of Hebrew (“The Life of James Madison”).               Madison’s role in politics would begin when he was made a member of the Orange County Committee of Safety in 1774 (“The Life of Ja...

Jeffersonian Project: Thomas Jefferson

  Daniel Goodman M/J United States History Ms. Kooiker 6/13/23 Jeffersonian Project: Thomas Jefferson             Thomas Jefferson is one of the three Jeffersonian presidents and is additionally the first to be elected (“Thomas Jefferson, a Brief Biography”). He was born on April 13 th , 1743, in Albemarle County, Virginia, to his parents Jane Randolph and Peter Jefferson (“Thomas Jefferson, a Brief Biography”; “Thomas Jefferson | The White House”). Despite his remarkable adulthood, however, his early life was nothing particularly special. He started to study at the College of William and Mary at the age of seventeen, in which afterwards he read the law after he finished his study (“Thomas Jefferson, a Brief Biography”).               Jefferson’s role in politics would start when he was in his mid-twenties, when he was elected to Virginia’s House of Burge...